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Enhancing Grease Traps: The Power of Enzyme Drain Cleaners

The Power of Enzyme Drain Cleaners

grease trap in commercial kitchen

Grease traps play a crucial role in maintaining the smooth flow of wastewater in commercial kitchens and food establishments. While often unseen, these unsung heroes are essential in preventing grease and fats from wreaking havoc on plumbing systems and the environment. Let's dive into the workings of grease traps and understand why they are indispensable in the culinary world, especially when paired with the power of enzymes.

The Basics: What is a Grease Trap?

A grease trap, also known as a grease interceptor, is a plumbing device designed to capture fats, oils, and grease (FOG) before they enter the municipal sewer system. Typically installed in kitchen drain lines, grease traps act as interceptors, slowing down the flow of wastewater and allowing FOG to rise to the surface.

The Mechanism: How Grease Traps Operate

The operation of grease traps relies on a simple yet effective principle: gravity. As wastewater flows into the trap, the velocity decreases, allowing grease and lighter-than-water substances to float to the top. The trap's baffles then help trap and contain these substances while allowing cleaner water to continue its journey down the drain.

diagram showing how grease traps work

Two Chambers: Inlet and Outlet

Most grease traps consist of two chambers – an inlet and an outlet. The inlet chamber receives the incoming wastewater, allowing it to slow down and separate. The grease, being less dense than water, rises to the surface. The outlet chamber, located beneath the inlet, lets the clarified water exit, free from most FOG.

The Role of Enzyme drain cleaners: Boosting Grease Trap Efficiency

Enzyme drain cleaners add an extra layer of efficiency to grease traps. Enzyme-based additives, when introduced into the trap, accelerate the breakdown of complex organic molecules found in grease. These enzymes act as biological catalysts, breaking down fats and oils into smaller, more manageable components. This enzymatic action enhances the trap's performance, making it even more effective at preventing blockages and maintaining clear drains.

Regular Maintenance: Key to Effectiveness

grease trap filled with fat oil and grease

To ensure optimal performance, regular maintenance of grease traps is essential. Periodic removal of accumulated grease and solids, coupled with the addition of enzyme-based cleaners, is crucial to prevent clogs and maintain the trap's efficiency. Neglecting this maintenance can lead to costly plumbing issues and potential environmental pollution.


In the bustling world of commercial kitchens, where FOG is a natural by product of cooking, grease traps, enhanced by the power of enzymes, stand as silent guardians. They ensure the smooth operation of plumbing systems and safeguard our environment. Understanding how these unassuming devices work, along with the role of enzymes, underscores their importance. It prompts responsible practices and maintenance that benefit both businesses and the ecosystems we inhabit. Grease traps and enzymes may be out of sight, but their impact is undoubtedly felt in the cleanliness and sustainability of our water systems.

Specialised Biological and Enzyme Cleaning Products


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Enzyme Products
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Filston Farm, Filston Lane
Shoreham, Kent
TN14 5JU







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